SEPT  2015

Preliminary Tests of New Amphibious

Platforms for Littoral Munitions Remediation: Surf Zone Trials in NC:

WRT and USACE conducted initial testing of an amphibious underwater UXO detection to help find and clear nearshore areas of military munitions.

SEPT  2015

First Live UXO Site Application of the OPTEMA Dynamic Munitions Classification System: WRT successfully completed dynamic classification surveys at the former Southwest Proving Ground in Arkansas.

MAY  2015

WRT Completes Tests of New Autonomous Underwater Vehicle UXO Detection System:

WRT scientists completed successful demonstrations of an underwater robotic detection array system to help find and clear the seafloor of military munitions in the lower Florida Keys

MAY  2015

WRT and University of Miami Test New Underwater Image Processing:

New image classification of underwater UXO holds promise as an additional tool for finding munitions lost or dumped on the seafloor.

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White River Technologies, Inc.